Sunday, April 13, 2008

Perpetuating a war so they can bring in a war president...

Today I hear that the president is still planning on keeping troops in Iraq, meanng still, the opinions of americans dont matter, even though they work for us... FUCK THAT!!!! I see the fucking reason that more troops must risk thier lives for even longer too, its so that McCain has a fucking shit ass reason to be elected... We dont need a war president if there is no war, so all of these lives that will be lost between now and the election, are simply pawns of the Rebulican party, wow i really love them dont you??? Fuck that why do we want to elect a president who has a war platform when we dont want war and we need a better economy... AND HE FUCKING ADMITED HE DOESNT KNOW ABOUT THE ECONOMY.... WTF FUCK ANYONE WHO VOTES FOR MCCAIN OR HILLARY (CAUSE ITS BEEN SHOWN SHE HAS AN ALMOST NON EXISTANT CHANCE FOR HER TO WIN AGAINST HIM) NEEDS TO STOP BEING FUCKING STUPID AND TRY TO ACTUALLY IMPROVE THEMSELVES CAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thank a bully

Everyone always hates the bully, and to me that is shit! Bullies are people to be thanked, they make the world a better fucking place to live in, and i'm sick of whiney little cry babies getting them in trouble, or assinine things like FOX 6's the Bully Project, they all demonize the bully, they give them an undeserved negative connotation.

I'm fed up with it, sure he causes people to be sad or fearful, but what he is doing is he is giving people the reason to better themselves, no one would try to improve if there isn't a reason to, but the bully makes fun of you for your weakness he is the one who shows you where to improve, everyone always hates him for doing what he does, but if he didn't do it that way, would anyone really try and improve themselves?

Everything you experience during your life adds to you, it helps shape who you are both good and bad, have you ever heard the saying," what ever doesn't kill you makes you stronger"? They make you better they are the reason you build a thicker skin they are the reason you changed and worked hard to do it, and after you changed you realize that life is better, but you don't thank the bully no you still hate him and that is shit, lets face it the world is a superficial place, people treat you worse if you aren't as attractive as most people, or if you are different, but the bully is the one with the balls to say it to you and tell you why you are so much of a loser

So next time you are getting bullied realize its your fault and its up to you to change what you are made fun of for, and you might be saying oh I don't want to change I like who you are, well you have to realize who you are is whats getting you bullied so unless you like getting bullied you dont like who you are so it is important to improve yourself and get a better standing in society, because believe me once you do you will realize that its so much better than before, I used to be a fucking loser and I didn't want to change till I tried, and then I realized how fucking good it felt, how much better things are, so next time you are getting bullied remember they are helping you, so you should...

Thank a bully

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Fuck the Electoral College

Ok now i can understand the necessity of its existence for as long as its been used up to... well... about 10 years ago, see now and days we live in a world of mass communication and massive data exchange and we are even having presidential debates where candidates are answering questions from Youtube, see this tells me that now someone like me can have my voice heard a lot more then ever before, but i still see many problems in the way we elect presidents... The most prominent of them being the fact we still have the electoral college now i understand when there wasn't mass media instant results of voting and all this nice modern technology that yes we needed to send someone from our state to vote for a president for us, it was a fair thing to do, but now that we are able to get real time voting results we need to cut the crap and remove the electoral college all together, Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the election because thousands of peoples votes were disenfranchised because even though he should have gotten the votes he didn't. I'm personally sick of seeing the peoples voice trumped by political Bullshit. Think about it, if we were to remove the electoral college when we vote for our president that means EVERY vote would matter not just if your out numbered in a state then it doest, you me and everyone else would be important, and presidential hopefuls wouldn't just go to the states with the most electoral votes they would have to be liked by the majority of the country, the people would finally be the most important thing in the candidates minds making them need to work even better to become or stay president. I feel we need to modernize our old methods of government as our new technologies and ideals come forth. We became the greatest nation in the world because we were progressive but i think we came to a point where we think we are perfect and don't need to change because we are "America" well I'm here to tell you that's how we got ahead but after that we stopped getting even farther ahead, and now everyone else is catching up and we need to get back to the idea of how can we become better how can we improve so that we can keep our title of the greatest nation in the world, and i honestly believe that if we were to remove this unnecessary system to our election methods we will allow ourselves to become more progressive and a better nation because more people would want to be involved if they feel that their vote actually matters, and the more involvement the more new ideas come into view the more progressive we become as a nation and I believe that is the most important.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Can you really hate them for it?

3 re-enforcing laws that prevent you from actually having a reason to be angry at anyone

Ok 1 we are the sum of our experiences the only reason someone is different from you is that they have experienced different things then you during the course of their lives, if you had gone through the same things you would do the same things as them

2 Right and wrong are nothing more then opinions its all how you look at things and as I've said before people really didn't have a choice as to what to think who they are was made from everything else, one mans freedom fighter is an others terrorists, this is the thing people seem to totally miss they think there is a set right and wrong, there isn't

3 People will always do things that benefit them, and will never do something just for someone else if an action lacks personal benefit then it will no be done by any person its in our human nature

These rules make this point someone will do something because of who they are which is a mirror of their experiences, they will always do whats best for them and you would do the exact same if you had been them and the only reason you think its wrong is cause it was done to you and not you doing it to someone else. when it comes down to it there isn't a reason to be angry at someone and if you don't like what they believe or what they do get them to see it how you do and show them why you think its best to do it your way cause you will just be another experience adding to who they are making them a better person

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Athiests- as stupid as they think Christians are

Ok I am agnostic but as a former atheist myself I thought I had alot of common sense like the common sense to see all the paradoxes and incongruences with religion, but I was still lacking the common sense and inability to question that I used to think all believers were missing. I was arguing with someone and I came to a realization i thought this person was an idiot for saying that gods existence is a fact, but thing is, I was saying with just as much undeserved surety that it didn't, Thing is you cannot prove whether god exists or doesn't though there is alot of evidence to prove that many of the main stream religions are false that doesn't remove the idea of a god actually existing and humans just having the whole understanding of it fucked to all hell, so i think atheists need to question their own beliefs as much as they question religion and they might realize something, hell i think everyone needs to question their faiths and how could it be blasphemy if in some it says not to worship false gods? dint you need to find the right god and make sure you are not under the control of another false god? If you are correct in your beliefs in all the tests and trials you put them through they will always come out correct, and if they cannot you can easily discern you are worshiping a false god. So i ask people please question for the good of yourselves because i tell no direction to come but to simply search for the right one yourself

Friday, January 4, 2008

Because were your elders?????

I begin with the simple question who has not heard you should show respect to them because they are your elders? Now I've never been one to follow that logic well for the simple reason of its unjustified, i never agreed with the idea that someone should deserve respect for age for the simple reason that you cant change your age, its as malleable as skin color and I'm sure we all know how idiotic it is as to judge someone by the color of their skin, yet this idea of elders deserving more is just the same, just because they have had more of a chance to have more experiences doesn't mean that they have, or whether they even learned anything from it. Its not just the experiencing of it but the learning from it that makes it valuable. So i think we need to stop giving people these higher levels of respect based on things that are undeserving, when i meet someone or am thinking about someone i look at them without these unfair concepts blinding me from really seeing them in a truthful light and i think more people need to do the same.